Innovation and investmentsAngela D’Agaro: “I have seen the world, but my life and professional future is in Carnia”

18 December 20190
"My future is in Carnia and I wish it were so for many other young people". Angela D’Agaro is 24 years old and, after some experiences abroad, has decided to return to Friuli to build her future here.

She graduated in Management Engineering at the University of Udine on 30 October with a flattering 110 and honors. After some experiences abroad, she joined Autotrasporti D'Agaro from 4 November, the family business whose headquarter is in the industrial area of Amaro. It is an historical reality, born over a century ago in Rigolato, and today in full expansion. Her father Angelo, the CEO, and his brother Stefano flank her. «Now - Angela says - I deal with bubbles and orders. I wanted to start from the "bottom" and I'm happy to do my job. After my foreign experiences, I immediately wanted to join the company and immerse myself in this reality ».

Especially in the last year your life has been concentrated in places very different from Amaro.
«Before graduating I spent four months in Canada for a study experience, and then I spent an equally long period in Poland, where I learnt the ropes in the office of a logistics company affiliated to a trucking company . Here I dealt with phase "4PL", fourth part of logistics, a sort of "control tower" of the logistics network. A highly educational experience that allowed me to improve my English a lot, the language with which I developed my degree thesis. But I've always thought about my tomorrow in Carnia ».

And how do you imagine the future?
«Always in my land. I traveled a lot, I had the opportunity to discover different cultures and ways of thinking, but my heart has always been here. I recommend everyone to spend at least a year out, but I feel that my place is in Carnia. I wouldn't see myself anywhere else, because of emotional ties and not only ».

But how do you see the future of Carnic land?
«Amaro, Tolmezzo and Villa Santina, to cite examples, are quite industrialized areas and excellence is not lacking. We must start from the young and invest. It is a pity that many young people, but not only them, often do not realize the local industrial wealth, preferring perhaps to look elsewhere. In Carnia, however, there are many companies that stand out globally, but are not "advertised" and valued as they deserve ".

You come from a family that created a business rooted in the area. What teachings have they passed on to you?
«First of all, the right approach to work. Both parents made sacrifices in terms of time and energy; they are an example for me and I will never stop thanking them. They taught me to work tenaciously and never to think that I had "arrived". Everything we have, material and not only, is the result of hard work. Every day, not by doing morality but by demonstrating it in concrete. They showed what it means to build something. My father Angelo never pushed me to join the company: for me it was a natural path, as happened for my brother Stefano. It is a pride for both of us to carry on Autotrasporti D’Agaro, now in its fifth generation. "

Besides work, how do you see your tomorrow as a woman?
"The aspiration is to have a family and best reconcile this type of commitment with work. My life will not only focus on the company, but I do not intend to leave out the Autotrasporti D’Agaro because I want to build its fortunes in the coming decades. There are many examples of career women who can carry out both aspects. I don't intend to give up anything ».

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