30s – 40s
In 1935, with the purchase of a Fiat 18 BLR, the haulage contracted company began in 1941 following the requisition of the vehicle due to war and resumed at the end of the second world war with the purchase of a Lancia 3Ro followed by a Lancia Esatau. From 1941 to 1946 he maintained the transport activity, delivering, among other things, supplies to the military border areas.70s – 90s
In 1985, MARIO’s wife, MARIA GRAZIA, joined the company, and two years later her son ANGELO. Just the family management will be one of the strengths of the company that in 1988 bought a warehouse in Amaro (UD), which later became the registered office. In short it acquires important new customers such as the CARTOERA of OVARO followed by PIGNA and CARTIERA BURGO of Tolmezzo (UD) and covers the national and international territory with its traffic (Austria, Germany and France).2000s
Nowadays, there are 50 Euro6 Volvo vehicles, 100 trailers and semi-trailers and 50 employees. Waiting for the great-grandchildren, the story continues …