Innovation and investmentsAutotrasporti D’Agaro focuses on environmental sustainability

11 February 20200
A company which cares about environmental sustainability. Autotrasporti D’Agaro, whose headquarter is in Amaro but born and raised in Rigolato, has adopted measures to mitigate the effects of climate change. The first concerns the renewal of the fleet: «In the last 3-4 years - underline Angelo and Stefano D'Agaro, who lead the company - we have renewed the fleet, now made up largely of trucks that comply with the Euro 6 regulation. for their greater efficiency and because they pollute less ». A significant commitment, if you consider that according to an elaboration of the Observatory on Sustainable Mobility of Airp (Italian Association of pneumatic retreaders), based on Aci data, at December 31, 2017 only 40.9% of the trucks in circulation were Euro 4 or more. Of these, just 7.2% were Euro 6.

But it does not end there, because Autotrasporti D’Agaro has also adopted other measures that concern the environment. "In addition to the constant training of our drivers with courses for efficient driving, which reduces consumption and therefore the relative emissions - the top management continues -, we have adopted a system thanks to which each individual employee is monitored, to whom it is assigned an individual evaluation. For example, let's observe how long it keeps the engine running during loading or unloading operations: in this way, we educate the adoption of virtuous behavior also for the ecosystem, avoiding the introduction of CO2 into the atmosphere ". Finally, special measures will also be adopted for the new headquarter of the company, currently under construction. Thanks to an investment of 2 million euros, a building will be built not only isolated with the most recent methodologies, but also equipped with photovoltaic panels that will allow Autotrasporti D'Agaro to use natural gas for heating, becoming self-sufficient from energetic point of view. "There are several tools to promote environmental sustainability, at all levels - conclude Angelo and Stefano D’Agaro -, but it would take more incentives, for example for the renewal of the vehicle fleet. Thus, in addition to an increasing competitiveness, we could also do good for the planet. In any case, we will continue to do our part ».

Autotrasporti D’Agaro, founded in 1925, today employs fifty workers, generating a turnover of 5.5 million euros.

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