Innovation and investmentsAutotrasporti D’Agaro head-on during Covid-19 period

30 June 20200

SECULAR TRANSPORTD’Agaro: "We faced Covid with the diversification of products". In August the ribbon cutting of the new headquarters in the Amnia Carnia Park

Ninety-five years of activity and in its history pages there will now also be the almost unscathed crossing of the pandemic from Covid-19. In any case, without layoffs for the 50 employees and with trucks that have continued to grind kilometers.
It is with this force that D’Agaro Trasporti, headquarters in Amaro and range of action throughout Italy, with extensions in France, Germany and Austria, looks to the next few months dominated by uncertainty. "It is the predominant and transversal sentiment in every environment - admits the sole director, Angelo D’Agaro, analyzing the start of Phase 2 -. However, it is necessary to have confidence in the anti-Covid-19 security protocols that everyone has implemented and in their own entrepreneurial peculiarities ».
D'Agaro built this confidence in himself not only from generation to generation, but also with the ability to make strategic choices, those that have made it possible to withstand the impact that arrived in 2020. «Every crisis is an opportunity of analysis and reasoning - explains the entrepreneur -. During the great crisis that broke out in 2008-2009 we decided that, given the scenarios, it was important to differentiate both the types of materials transported and the orders, even risking to make choices that seemed inexpensive in the immediate future. The history of the following years, however, proved us right ».
D’Agaro already has the fifth generation in the company and in August he will inaugurate the new headquarters in the Carnia Industrial Park of Amaro, where there are the squares to park a 45 truck park. In addition to dealing with the transport of timber, marble, paper, water, in recent years it has expanded its business by significantly entering the food sector. Reliability, punctuality, modern means constitute the added value of a company that for three years has added to its assets the registration in the list of subjects authorized to transport special waste. A further factor of competitiveness and selection in the sector.

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