The first half of 2020 closes with a recovery in activity after the declines in April and May. In August, the new 2 million investment site will be inaugurated.
The director Angelo D’Agaro: "For 2020, the sentiment is a holding of the budget compared to last year, with a possible decrease that can be curbed around -5%. In the Covid-19 era, we did not resort to layoffs ».
Archives the 2019 financial statements with 5.5 million in turnover, an increase of 15% on the previous year and an equally increase in employment, which went from 40 to 48 units. Profit is also increasing, reaching 100 thousand euros. It is the accounting document that approves the D'Agaro Trasporti of Amaro in these days, whose attention is, however, already projected to the 2020 accounts: «Since right now we can only speak of sentiment and the degree of uncertainty is very high - underlines the president and director Angelo D'Agaro -, given the performance of this first half, we could end the year in line with 2019 or with a -5% approximately ». An important performance, framed in the context of absolute exceptionality generated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
"Our first quarter of 2020 was generating a + 10% turnover on the previous year; with April, the worst month, it came with a 30% drop. In May we went up the slope stopping at -15% on the same month of the previous year and in June we almost returned to last year's levels - reconstructs D'Agaro - The recovery is proceeding, but slowly and we are experiencing a situation of uncertainty never faced before, "adds the entrepreneur who leads a company with 95 years of history. It was mainly the external market that "saved" the business in the months of lockdown, with the German market requesting supply and with the trucks that were able to continue operating. At the same time, the company did not use the redundancy fund, managing the slowdown with previous holidays and continuing to be active with about two thirds of the staff.
In addition, summer 2020 will mark a strategic milestone for D’Agaro, as the brand new headquarters will be inaugurated in August, which will serve as the gateway to the Amaro industrial complex. The investment was 2 million and the pandemic only slowed the inaugural event by two months.
"We hope to move the offices to the new headquarters by August - confirms Angelo D’Agaro, managing the company together with his sons Stefano and Angela -. Immediately afterwards, we will begin the expansion outside the shed, with the creation of the new shelter, of great symbolic as well as technological impact. We are optimistic in this regard: we hope that workers in the construction sector will not close for holidays in August of this year ".
D’Agaro "is an emblematic example of the development and attractiveness model promoted by the industrial park - says the president of Carnia Industrial Park, Mario Gollino -. New established manufacturing companies have generated positive effects on the related industries, including road transport that the company has been able to intercept. The expansion is the result of an important corporate investment, derived, in part and with great foresight, from the use of the facilitation measures that support companies established in industrial consortia ".
The director Angelo D’Agaro: "For 2020, the sentiment is a holding of the budget compared to last year, with a possible decrease that can be curbed around -5%. In the Covid-19 era, we did not resort to layoffs ».
Archives the 2019 financial statements with 5.5 million in turnover, an increase of 15% on the previous year and an equally increase in employment, which went from 40 to 48 units. Profit is also increasing, reaching 100 thousand euros. It is the accounting document that approves the D'Agaro Trasporti of Amaro in these days, whose attention is, however, already projected to the 2020 accounts: «Since right now we can only speak of sentiment and the degree of uncertainty is very high - underlines the president and director Angelo D'Agaro -, given the performance of this first half, we could end the year in line with 2019 or with a -5% approximately ». An important performance, framed in the context of absolute exceptionality generated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
"Our first quarter of 2020 was generating a + 10% turnover on the previous year; with April, the worst month, it came with a 30% drop. In May we went up the slope stopping at -15% on the same month of the previous year and in June we almost returned to last year's levels - reconstructs D'Agaro - The recovery is proceeding, but slowly and we are experiencing a situation of uncertainty never faced before, "adds the entrepreneur who leads a company with 95 years of history. It was mainly the external market that "saved" the business in the months of lockdown, with the German market requesting supply and with the trucks that were able to continue operating. At the same time, the company did not use the redundancy fund, managing the slowdown with previous holidays and continuing to be active with about two thirds of the staff.
In addition, summer 2020 will mark a strategic milestone for D’Agaro, as the brand new headquarters will be inaugurated in August, which will serve as the gateway to the Amaro industrial complex. The investment was 2 million and the pandemic only slowed the inaugural event by two months.
"We hope to move the offices to the new headquarters by August - confirms Angelo D’Agaro, managing the company together with his sons Stefano and Angela -. Immediately afterwards, we will begin the expansion outside the shed, with the creation of the new shelter, of great symbolic as well as technological impact. We are optimistic in this regard: we hope that workers in the construction sector will not close for holidays in August of this year ".
D’Agaro "is an emblematic example of the development and attractiveness model promoted by the industrial park - says the president of Carnia Industrial Park, Mario Gollino -. New established manufacturing companies have generated positive effects on the related industries, including road transport that the company has been able to intercept. The expansion is the result of an important corporate investment, derived, in part and with great foresight, from the use of the facilitation measures that support companies established in industrial consortia ".